The lack of concentration can be adjusted with short-term goals, create tasks or lists of goals to be met. Some people prefer this on paper, others rely on software and others do Dreams Boards. You must find what is that keeps yourself focused, so that you can achieve your goals. By concentrating better on what we do, we increase the productivity and quality of the tasks we perform. There are many business studies and business books that deal with this topic, but the best thing is that everyone can use the system that works for them and generates better performance.
In the other hand, motivation is an emotional state that activates us, and helps us maintain a behavior that helps us meet our goals. It is an impulse that moves us to perform tasks and persist in them until we finish them. There are several "types" of motivations, but all studies agree that it is vital to achieve our purposes and dreams.
As you can see, the word we use the most here is: GOALS. The goals help us to draw the path, but first we must know where we are going. If we do not know where to go, no matter what path we take, we will never get there.
Discipline and perseverance in meeting our goals are the keys for our businesses to grow successfully.
In your business: do you work with goals? A question that we think so many times silly (but it is not): where do you see yourself and your business in 5 years? 📔📚🏷️💰💲