The registers - Accounting books - in which we record quantitatively all the commercial and operational operations of our businesses, in chronological and orderly manner, have the purpose of showing us the financial situation of the company at any time of the year and its results allow us to make the right decisions.
Example: when reviewing how much it costs you to produce a certain article, you can see if the sales prices are adequate and the sales have a favorable economic result. Thus, we can analyze different areas such as: cost of services, prices, reduction of expenses, to which products / services we should dedicate more attention and the ones we must even eliminate since they are not profitable at all.
"During a fiscal year there are a lot of economic movements. Beyond the income and expenses of the company, all properties and assets owned by a company must be taken into account, so it is not enough to keep a record of the movements in the company's account in an Excel file "(Judith de Quipu)
When keeping records is important that you keep track of all your bank accounts and credit cards movements, as well as your Account Receivables and Accounts Payables cycle. It’s possible that you have money in your savings account, but you owe must of the funds to third parties: CRA, vendors, Credit Cards balances, that is then an indicator that you need to plan better with cash flows, collect the money your clients owe you and even increase your sales!
It is also important to maintain detailed records that can demonstrate that our income and expenses are adequate when filing tax returns. In this way we avoid paying penalties and more taxes than we really need.
I hope your records are up to date!
Your comments are welcome!
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